The primary purpose of the ATA50 Web platform is to receive observation project applications online.

Click on the add link on the My Applications page.

Fill in the required information on the page that opens:

  • Application Title (required)

    The reference title should be a single line of text that hints at your project.

  • Application Identifier (required)

    The applier will generate the application number himself in the following format: In the application number, characters 1-5 are the telescope name (ATA50), characters 7-10 are the year (2022), characters 12-14 are the name code of the applier (ABC), 16 characters are how many periods in the same year. (Example: ATA50-2022-???-???).

  • Researcher

    Depending on the number of researchers, lines can be added when necessary.
    The researcher applying for the project is accepted as the project coordinator and should not need to be added to the researcher list.

  • Application Abstract (required)

    The purpose, scope, observation and analysis method of the observation project, the objectives to be achieved should be stated as a short summary, not exceeding 4096 characters in total.

  • Scientific Reason (required)

    Basic scientific information on the subject should be given briefly by referring to the literature; With this project, which deficiencies of previous studies will be eliminated, what kind of contributions will be made, which problems will be answered, should be stated in a way not exceeding 4096 characters in total.

  • Closure Criteria

    In this section, at least one of the projected outputs listed below should be selected (additional explanation can be made if necessary) so that the monitoring project can be controlled during the project and closed at the end. In case the expected predictions are met or the project manager does not close the project; The observation project will be closed when deemed necessary due to the achievement of the outputs specified by the ATASAM - AC Decision. As an explanation for the thesis and project-oriented observation projects, information on the institution where the thesis is made, the title of the thesis, the student who has the thesis, the advisor and the thesis duration, the institution where the project is carried out, the project coordinator, the type of the project, the title of the project, the duration of the project should be given clearly.

  • Thesis Information

    The thesis information , if the observation project is within the scope of a thesis.

  • Proje Bilgileri

    The thesis information if the observation project is within the scope of another project.

  • support

    Support requested in the observation project.

  • Open Data (required)

    Maximum durations for different projected outputs :
    Test: Immediately; Data/Bulletin: 6 Months; Poster/Announcement: 12 Months; Thesis/Publication/Project: 24 Months

  • Analysis Method

    Summary information not exceeding 4096 characters should be given about the observation plan and analysis method, which should be considered or desired to be detailed in the execution of the observation project.

Fill in the required fields and click the button.

You can view your registered application on the My Applications page.

You can do the following regarding your applications:

  • picture_as_pdf View as PDF

    Outputs your observation application as a formatted PDF.

  • bubble_chart View as graph

    Displays the Observations and sequences of your Observation application on a graph.

  • visibility Show

    Displays your observation reference in text format.

  • edit Edit

    It takes you to the edit page of your observation application.

  • Delete

    Deletes your observation application.

  • list Add observation

    If a project requests astronomical data, an observation must be attached to the application. Add observation page is used to add observations.

You can add observations to a reference using the list button.
On the page that opens, provide the following information about the object whose data is requested:

  • Object Name (required)

    The name of the object whose data is requested. Preferably the given name is expected to be simbad compatible.

  • Coordinates (required)

    α (hourangle) and δ (degrees) information.
    If the object name information provided in the previous field is simbad compatible, you can see the image of the area by clicking the button, and import the central coordinate of the displayed area into the coordinates fields.

  • Physical Properties

    Physical properties of the object whose data is requested.

    • M: Magnitude
    • ΔM: Difference in Magnitude
    • P: Period

  • Description

    Descriptions of the requested data.

You can do the following regarding your observations :

  • visibility Show

    Displays the observation content in text format.

  • edit Edit

    It redirects you to the observation edit page.

  • Delete

    Deletes Observation.

  • list Add sequence

    If a data request requires an observation, the sequence should be attached to that observation. To add a sequence, the add sequence page is used.

You can add a sequence to an observation using the list button.
Provide the following information about the observation sequence to be made on the page that opens:

  • Start Time (required)

    When to start the observation sequence.
    You can use the button to create the visibility curve of the object you add a sequence to, for the given date.

  • Filters & Exposure (required)

    Information on which filters and exposure time the observation sequence will be made with.
    A negative exposure time means that the duration will be calculated during observation.

  • End Time

    When the observation will be finished.

  • Description

    Explanations to be added about the observation sequence.